E’ ufficiale, Ultra Music Festival 2020 è stato annullato e rinviato alla prossima edizione, in programma da venerdì 26 a domenica 28 Marzo 2021.
Anche il Governatore della Florida ha dichiarato lo stato d’emergenza per il Coronavirus e di conseguenza l’accesso a Bayfront Park non é permesso.

Di seguito, quanto comunicato sui social del festival.
“Dear Ultranauts, It is with a heavy heart that we inform you that The City of Miami has issued an official directive requiring that the 22nd edition of Ultra Music Festival, originally scheduled for March 20, 21 and 22, 2020 will be postponed to March 26, 27 and 28, 2021. Due to the Florida Governor’s declaration of a public health emergency and Centers of Disease Control and Prevention’s Interim Guidance for COVID-19, it is impossible for the City to provide access to Bayfront Park at this time. We completely understand how extremely frustrating this is because so many of you are looking forward to coming to Ultra, having already made travel arrangements. This is, however, an unprecedented issue which is not being taken lightly, and we must continue to defer to the authorities for guidance. Ultimately, there is no higher priority for us than the health, safety and physical well-being of each of you, together with everyone else involved in the production of the event.We sincerely thank you for your continued loyalty and patience during this difficult time. All ticket purchasers will be contacted by email on Monday regarding next steps. – Team Ultra“